Xian-Wei Zhu

Born in 1971, Xian-Wei Zhu is part of a Chinese artist generation which, after the Maoist bulkheading, now self-confidently sets accents in a globalized world. Zhu creates sublime mirror images of modern China in a technically perfect way and with the ability to express profound motives. A small, dimly painted child is the recurrent protagonist in his pictured worlds. Sometimes it aims at the horizon with binoculars, sometimes it paddles lonely over quiet waters. In another of Zhu’s works the child squeezes out color tubes while sitting in the middle of the canvas. It is always acting in a way one would not expect a child to act. This usually friendly, every now and then also melancholic, child figure immediately evokes sympathy. It is the point of reference of the observer`s empathy. At the same time it also seems to reveal a little bit of the fears, hopes and thoughts of its creator. Zhu`s paintings oscillate between East and West, between coming to terms with the past and optimisms towards the future to come. Tender melancholy and the feeling of isolation can also be found in the paintings, as is a fine irony and the faith in a better tomorrow.


  • born 1971 in Qingdao, China
  • studies of art education at the university Shandong, China
  • postgraduate studies of painting at the academy of arts China, Hangzhou
  • lecturer at the University of Qingdao, China
  • studies of the painting at the National Academy of Arts Stuttgart with Professor Cordula Guedemann (since 2001)


  • On the top of the hill, fine arts 2219 | contemporary fine arts gallery, Stuttgart [EA]
  • x3 Neu Kunst Galerie, Karlsruhe
  • Chinakohl, young Chinese art, Galerie Op Nord, Stuttgart
  • Transmissionen 3, Bukarest
  • Chinesischer Garten, Kunst im Heppächer, Esslingen
  • Kunstsommer Oberhausen 2006, art association Oberhausen
  • What a wonderful world, fine arts 2219 | contemporary fine arts gallery, Stuttgart [EA]
  • Die Reisenden, art association Ludwigsburg [SE]
  • Irrgarten, Kuenstlertreff, Stuttgart
  • Chinese art, Neue Galerie, Landshut
  • Es ist gesund, class of Prof. Cordula Guedemann, art association Hohenlohe
  • Es ist gesund, class of Prof. Cordula Guedemann, art association Radolfzell
  • Es ist gesund, class of Prof. Cordula Guedemann, Galerie Tedden, Düsseldorf
  • Es ist gesund, class of Prof. Cordula Guedemann, Galerie Interart, Stuttgart
  • SchwarzWeiß, exhibition of the year, art association Ludwigsburg
  • Denken Viel, class of Prof. Cordula Guedemann, city library Stuttgart
  • Malerei, Manufaktur, Schorndorf
  • Accrochage 2003, Galerie Kinter, Remshalden Geradstetten
  • artists from Qingdao, Daqiu, Südkorea
  • selected works, students of the academy of arts China, Hangzhou
  • Eastern Chinese paintings, Singapur
  • 8. China art fair, Hangzhou
  • Xianwei`s drawings, University Shandong
single exhibition [SE]



2006, © fine arts 2219 | Bebelstrasse 12a | 70176 Stuttgart | ++49179.7710567